ニッキー・リードのインスタグラム(nikkireed) - 12月4日 02時09分

Hey guys happy Sunday! By now you probably know that every Sunday I donate my social media to my @YearsofLiving team to talk about carbon pricing! This week’s post comes from Emma Jones, a student at Gustavus Adolphus College in Minnesota. "I was a #PutAPriceOnIt Summer 2017 Fellow. I'm from Portland, OR, attend college in Minnesota, and even studied in Sweden for a year. My experiences have shown me what it is to be a global citizen. As a global community, we have created an unbalanced economical loop that has led to a predominately unbalanced planetary ecosystem. If we are to balance the scales back, in order to continue the habitable circumstances we are privileged with now, it's now or never. Putting a price on pollution, specifically fossil fuels, is the first and most important step in this direction. Join the #PutAPriceOnItCampaign to hold our elected officials accountable and stop climate pollution in 2018!”


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