レイチェル・ブレイセンのインスタグラム(yoga_girl) - 12月4日 02時02分

Took shark baby sailing today!!! I normally don’t like to deviate from her nap routine because she naps like clockwork at home and it’s so awesome but @dennisfromsalad convinced me to loosen up and “relax” so we all went (I’m SO not the fun parent in this family)? And then we swam from the boat all the way to shore so I could get her home in time for her nap. NO BIGGIE! I wasn’t panicked about that at all. Not at allllll??? Dennis thought it wouldn’t be a big deal and always tells me “she’s not a Fabergé egg noh” (#thinklikeadad) so I pretended like I wasn’t 100% freaking out about jumping off a boat with an 8-month old baby in the middle of the ocean while holding a zip lock bag with my phone and car keys and diapers (yup) above my head. And then it started raining and he almost forgot her life jacket but I reminded him last minute (#thinklikeamom) and the sea was rough and it was way, way further than I thought. BUT WE MADE IT! And little moon shrieked with laugher the whole time. And now we’re home and she is napping right on schedule and I’m on the couch and all is well and Dennis was right. YES GODDAMMIT I SAID IT! Sometimes you are right, husband. (PS nap schedule still stands and the default setting of me always being right is now back on) (just so we’re clear) (ilu) ???? #parenting #daddyhood #mamahood #sailingday #sharkbaby #baby #ocean #beach #islandyoga


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