コリー・ロバートソンのインスタグラム(bosshogswife) - 11月19日 13時43分

“When a whole group just comes together and enjoys each other and supports one another, in bad and good. That’s what I think a family is.” - Trayvonte ❤️It’s almost Thanksgiving! Thinking of all of our kiddos coming home for the holidays makes me even more mindful of the sweet kids who don’t have a family. This thoughtful 16 year old needs exactly what we all need...someone to love him, to cheer him on, to be there in the good in bad. That’s family! Sadly over 100,000 kids are in our foster care system right now are going to bed each night wondering if they will ever have that. Let’s get that number to zero! If you want to know more go to @amkidsbelong and @louisianaheartgallery Pray for these children. Search your heart for how you can help! #nationaladoptionmonth #nationaladoptionday #adoption #fostercare


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




