タイリース・ギブソンのインスタグラム(tyrese) - 11月17日 19時31分

I had to- No other Travel site matters..... #VoltronTravel.com go there look around see if there’s something you like!! Remember don’t just look BOOK!
This is me today walking into my last day- Lord I thank you... I’ve learned and grown a lot this next season will be blessed - a set back is a set UP for many many and even more abundant blessings to come...... Don’t pay people back with evil for the evil they do to you. Focus your thoughts on those things that are considered noble. As much as it is possible, live in peace with everyone. Don’t take revenge, dear friends. Instead, let God’s anger take care of it. After all, Scripture says, “I alone have the right to take revenge. I will pay back, says the Lord.” 12. 2 Timothy 4:7-8 I have fought the good fight. I have completed the race. I have kept the faith. The prize that shows I have God’s approval is now waiting for me. The Lord, who is a fair judge, will give me that prize on that day. He will give it not only to me but also to everyone who is eagerly waiting for him to come again.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




