スミソニアン国立動物園のインスタグラム(smithsonianzoo) - 11月16日 01時03分

? Giant panda #TianTian had a full preventative veterinary checkup yesterday. Veterinarians did not find anything abnormal, but he may be starting to show some changes that are normal for an older bear, like some weight loss and possible arthritis. He has lost some weight during the past several months, but his behavior and appetite are normal, and he weighs 260 pounds. In addition to the X-rays, blood sample and urine sample that veterinarians collected, they also performed an ultrasound to look at his abdomen and organs. They also performed acupuncture and laser therapy—both are complementary treatments. The acupuncture may help Tian Tian’s overall muscle tone, and the laser therapy may help some suspected arthritis in his left shoulder. If the panda team notices any more changes in Tian Tian during the next few months, this exam will give them a good reference point for comparison. Tian Tian recovered from the checkup and is back at the panda habitat. #PandaStory


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