ATSUSHIのインスタグラム(exile_atsushi_official) - 10月29日 01時25分

ナイトってなんだろう⁈そう思われる方も少なくないかと思います。ナイトとは、中世のヨーロッパやイタリアで国が王政のころ、やはり争い事などもあった時代です。そこで王様を守るために発足されたのがこの、"騎士団" でした。キリスト教の影響も強いので、例えば聖地エルサレムに行く道中、もちろん王を守りながら、困っている人への人道支援や病院などへの慰問などもされていたそうです。しかし、政治が安定して来た今(いろいろな政党の政策の違いなどは、もちろん未だにありますが…)争い事がだいぶ減って来ました。ですので、現代ではその人道支援の志のままに、慈善活動を、中心とする団体となられたようです。僕の拙い説明で申し訳ございません。間違いがなく、お伝えできているといいのですが…。そして昨日、イタリア王子と団体の世界代表が日本に来日されて、正式に聖マウリツィオ・ラザロ騎士団の団員の叙任式、そしてナイトの勲章と称号をいただくことになりました。とても名誉ある光栄な式典に参加させていただきました。



What is a knight? I think some of you may wonder. During the middle ages in Europe when Kings and Queens still reigned, there were often battles.
The “chivalric order“ was made to protect the King.
For example, while traveling to sacred Jerusalem, of course, while protecting and serving the King, it is said that they also conducted humanitarian assistance to people in trouble and gave comfort to hospitals.
However, as the politics of the world stabilized over time (of course there are still differences in political parties' policies etc.) ... battles have decreased a lot. So, in modern times it seems that it became an organization focusing on philanthropic activities, with the intention of humanitarian support.
Well yesterday, the Prince of Italy and the representatives from around the world were invited to Japan. Officially it was called, Roman Catholic dynastic order of knighthood bestowed by the House of Savoy. At this prestigious ceremony, I was bestowed a medal and the title of Knight Grand Cross (Cavaliere di Gran Croce). I think about my future work and how I can be more involved with philanthropic activities and I strongly feel that this is my next goal.

I would like to come back with a different impact. Please look forward to the new Atsushi!
Thanks to everyone for all your generous support.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




