マイケル・フランティのインスタグラム(michaelfranti) - 10月26日 08時27分

Turn sound on, swipe for part 2: That feeling when you get a brand spanking ass new #iMac, cause your old one is so slow you can’t even open an email, let alone edit 5K resolution footage, it has late night coffee stains on it and the CD drive(remember those things?) is jammed to shit because your friend’s little kid tried to shove a Cars 2 DVD in it upside down, the return key pops off every time you hit it and the space bar sticks and makes a blank line across the page every 7th or 8th time you hit it, and the charger is frayed and sparks when you touch it, it gets so hot you can cook a tofu dog on a stick over it and then your homie Jimmy says he is able to help you out with a solid discount!!! Check part 1 and swipe for part 2. Now we can finish this movie. Yay!!! #StayHuman #soulrocker #film #filmediting #filmmaking #apple #funny #music @apple video: @antstoney #musicianslife #ThisIsNotAnAd Comment if ya know this feeling!


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