トム・デロングのインスタグラム(tomdelonge) - 10月23日 10時59分

Chris Mellon hails his name from the legendary American Industrialist Family who owned Gulf Oil, Mellon Bank, Carnegie Mellon University and many other famous institutions. He is has a longtime career working on National Security Matters for the US Government and his work continues to this day for the Intelligence Community. Serving as an Deputy Asst. Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, and Minority Staff Director for the Senate Intelligence Committee, he is now the Chairman of the To The Stars National Security Policy and Scientific Advisory Board working as TTSA’s main liaison to The White House, The Hill and the Pentagon. He has been so successful on TTSA background operations in the last few weeks that I believe we all will witness his work echo for years to come. Www.ToTheStarsAcademy.com


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