トム・デロングのインスタグラム(tomdelonge) - 10月17日 00時28分

The F-22 builds on the stealth technologies first used on the F-117. The F-117 was still secret when the development of what became the F-22 started. The new fighter had to be supersonic, maneuver better than any other airplane, and have sensors that were beyond anything anyone had ever seen. A big challenge was how to develop the design for the new fighter without revealing the existence of the F-117. As a result the F-22 is the world’s premier air superiority fighter. It can see, shoot, and defeat the enemy before the enemy even know it is there.
Steve Justice (Head of Aerospace and Advanced Technology at To The Stars Academy)was part of the original design team working to embody the technologies from other programs into the fighter. That required a working knowledge of the technologies so that they could be correctly integrated. In the To The Stars Academy pursuit of our beyond-revolutionary craft, the ability to understand both the technologies and the integration needs is critical. That is what Steve brings.


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