レイチェル・ブレイセンのインスタグラム(yoga_girl) - 10月13日 22時35分

Good morning and happy podcast day!!!! Today's episode is all about SLEEP???? I talk about how I managed to function during the most sleep deprived weeks of my life (I didn't), why sleep is more important than anything and: I share every single thing we did to get Luna to sleep through the night (almost). During our worst weeks of not sleeping I read 8 books on sleep and this podcast is a compilation of everything that worked for us?? We have gone from her waking up every hour and never napping in the day to taking three scheduled naps of 90 minutes to 2 hours in the daytime and sleeping 7pm-6.30am at night with one feeding only. ITS THE BEST THING EVER!!!!! Listening to it now I sound kind of like a crazy person.... Well. Not sleeping makes you cray-cray!? And I'm slightly sleep obsessed now?
It might sound like a lot but applying these things really, really saved us. We are back to having our evenings to ourselves, sleeping super well at night and with a solid routine that makes life oh-so much easier. LISTEN IN!!! Especially if you are sleep deprived. Link in my bio to listen (or search Yoga Girl on iTunes)! TAG SOMEONE WHO NEEDS SLEEP BELOW????❤️? #sleepislife #sleep #yogagirlpodcast


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