ポール・ロビンソンのインスタグラム(paulrobinson87) - 10月11日 22時07分

I started surfing about 5 years ago. @marijus3 and @mrfijal convinced me to go out with them while on a climbing trip to Cape Town, South Africa. At first I was hesitant but then decided I would brave the cold water. I can still remember the feeling of standing up on my first wave, as if I was flying. Besides climbing, I haven’t found a single other sport that makes me want to push myself to be the absolute best I can. I don’t really get to surf that often but when I was asked by @prana to be apart of a surf mission to India, I couldn’t say no! After countless hours of travel we arrived in the Lakshadweep Islands to a perfect swell and empty waves. It doesn’t get better than that! Here is a shot that @クリス・バーカード got of me on one of the perfect waves that Rasta’s has to offer. I hope to return to this magical island one day. Until then, I will relive the memories through the photos :) #surfing


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