ベロニカ・ベガのインスタグラム(veronicavega) - 10月11日 07時39分

When the #bethiphopawards2017 are honoring Uncle Luke in your city you mf show up no questions asked. Especially, when your date is @stephlecor ??‍♀️ ----------------------------------------------------------I've never felt so understood and at home like when I watched the Luke tribute. It's always so hard for me to explain to ppl what Miami is FORREAL (not South Beach). How do u explain to someone u learned to twerk when you were three without them thinking you crazy af or your parents crazy af? How before y'all called that shit twerking we called it booty dancing... Listening to Luke speak made me realize we don't mf curse cuz we mean, or uneducated, or rude... nah nigga we free. We mf MIAMI. We real and proud af. We stop at nothing, we stay true, we passionate bout our shit, nothing makes us fold... So happy for our city and so proud of @unclelukereal1 this was long overdue. Shout out to my city! #Iamiami #hialeah #305tomycity ----------------------------------------------------------
If u listen closely I'm saying "I'm trynna make sure my vagina isn't out" lol


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