クラウディア・ジョーダンのインスタグラム(claudiajordan) - 10月3日 11時16分

After all this sadness and negativity- I just wanted to share something beautiful. Life is short you guys- and full of so much heavy stuff- so please appreciate little things that make you smile- whether it’s a beautiful song, being able to go to your favorite restaurant, an inside joke with someone you adore, a forehead kiss or whatever brings you even the smallest bit of joy. Times are tough right now and there’s so much going on in the world that if you’re an empathetic person- this 24 hour negative-news cycle can really have you depressed. So take a break, come up for air- call a friend to go hiking with you. Take a ride up the coast, grab some drinks and watch a sunset- just anything that brings a lil happiness to your life. It’s really not the big gestures.... it’s the little things. Now back to something that makes me feel good and smile.... good old school R&B love songs. Enjoy my friends. ??❤️??????????


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