#RealNewsAlert!!!!! So my girl Barbara lives in Puerto Rico and was able to send a message out and this is what she said..... it’s been rough but she is ok. She had to walk to a bridge to get a connection. Her building has generators so everyone gets together to make a meal for everyone to share. She’s deciding on whether or not to just leave the island this week. She said there’s a lot of supplies on the docks but no truck drivers get to it. She said FEMA turns truck drivers away every day and tells them to come back tomorrow. She said the Governor Of PR is full of SHIT and up Trumps ass and they are trying to make him look like the hero in all of this. She said the Mayor is telling the TRUTH- and that they haven’t even STARTED picking up dead bodies yet. Wow. Just wow. This is someone at ground zero living this nightmare! So please don’t shoot the messenger. These evil bastards are going to try to use this for a stunt. The way Trump was attacking the Mayor and really trying to get people to be against her when all she was doing was pleading for help for her people- was gross. Folks out here playing games with peoples lives! 12 days later and bodies are just stuck in buildings decomposing, still only 10,000 workers there for an island of 3.5 Million people-that’s clearly not enough!!! we need more! If supplies aren’t getting to people because the roads are blocked- then we need to double and triple how many boots are on the ground to remove debris to get those roads usable. And shame on you FEMA. Why is the response always shitty when poor, black and or brown people are in need? #TrueStoriesFromThePR

claudiajordanさん(@claudiajordan)が投稿した動画 -

クラウディア・ジョーダンのインスタグラム(claudiajordan) - 10月2日 01時59分

#RealNewsAlert!!!!! So my girl Barbara lives in Puerto Rico and was able to send a message out and this is what she said..... it’s been rough but she is ok. She had to walk to a bridge to get a connection. Her building has generators so everyone gets together to make a meal for everyone to share. She’s deciding on whether or not to just leave the island this week. She said there’s a lot of supplies on the docks but no truck drivers get to it. She said FEMA turns truck drivers away every day and tells them to come back tomorrow. She said the Governor Of PR is full of SHIT and up Trumps ass and they are trying to make him look like the hero in all of this. She said the Mayor is telling the TRUTH- and that they haven’t even STARTED picking up dead bodies yet. Wow. Just wow. This is someone at ground zero living this nightmare! So please don’t shoot the messenger. These evil bastards are going to try to use this for a stunt. The way Trump was attacking the Mayor and really trying to get people to be against her when all she was doing was pleading for help for her people- was gross. Folks out here playing games with peoples lives! 12 days later and bodies are just stuck in buildings decomposing, still only 10,000 workers there for an island of 3.5 Million people-that’s clearly not enough!!! we need more! If supplies aren’t getting to people because the roads are blocked- then we need to double and triple how many boots are on the ground to remove debris to get those roads usable. And shame on you FEMA. Why is the response always shitty when poor, black and or brown people are in need? #TrueStoriesFromThePR


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



