Toby LittleDudeのインスタグラム(toby_littledude) - 9月27日 06時35分

As some of you may already know from my Instagram stories, I was at the emergency vet last night. Around 5pm, I started to vomit and there was blood in it. Any type of vomiting is worrisome but the blood in addition to me having surgery recently made it even scarier. Ultrasound and bloodwork both came back normal so we don't have an answer as to what caused my vomiting. I'm resting comfortably at home now but I'm still not feeling my best.

Doctor suggested a bland diet of chicken and rice or a type of gastro food they gave me. The gastro food doesn't appeal to me at all so Mom made me some chicken and rice. I also have to take these yucky meds to help settle my tummy.

I'll be taking it easy for the next little while so if there are any babes that want to keep me company, feel free to send me a message. #TeamTobyHealth


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




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