Toby LittleDudeのインスタグラム(toby_littledude) - 9月25日 02時58分

Can't believe it's been two and a half weeks since I had surgery. The last few days have been good and I'm feeling a lot more like my old self. My energy and appetite are much better and I even got out and cruised for babes. Mom still makes me wear a baby onesie here and there but that's because she seems to have trust issues. Apparently, I can't be trusted to leave my battle scar alone.

We've received some questions asking what needs to be done in regards to follow-up care. My doctor feels that we need to be cautious still and continue to monitor my liver with routine ultrasounds. He recommends an ultrasound every 3-4 months to make sure there isn't any recurrence or development of tumors in other parts of my liver. I don't mind ultrasounds since they're non-invasive and painless and the cute nurses even throw in a free bikini wax.

I'd like to thank the person who sent me a donation via PayPal this morning. A few people had asked how they could donate to my medical costs without going through Go Fund Me. For those who would still like to donate, my PayPal account email is  Thank you again for everyone's generosity, love, and support during this time. I am counting my blessings each and every day. #TeamTobyHealth


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