Travis Burkeのインスタグラム(travisburkephotography) - 9月20日 02時18分

I got pretty sick a few days ago when I took this photo. I'm not sure if it was the 36 hours of no sleep, last minute flights, sleeping on the ground/in a tent for a week straight or the stress of trying to run a business when wifi is usually nonexistent. My life seems to revolve around last minute decisions which can be extremely taxing on my body but it can also lead to incredible moments like this!
Camping on the beach with perfect conditions and bioluminescent phytoplankton lighting up the ocean as the waves crashed! A rare and extremely beautiful moment we were all thankful to experience! Shooting with @forsakeco @whitneyljames @mandymarr & @wheretowillie near La Push, Washington.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




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