Ilana Wilesのインスタグラム(mommyshorts) - 9月15日 04時14分

I've always think of Mazzy as the social butterfly and Harlow as someone who waits for people to come to her. But that's changing. Yesterday, when we entered the school, Harlow hung back in the entrance and I turned around to hurry her along. She was standing with another little girl and her mom and yelled back to me, "One second! I have to say hello to Abby!" Then as we were entering class, she walked up to another girl and put her face right in her face, looking up at her (because Harlow is way shorter than everyone) with this matter of fact pursed lip look that I am starting to know well. It says, "Look. It's me. The person you became friends with yesterday. Aren't we lucky to see each other again?" Then she ran up to another girl who was taking some dolls out of her backpack and played with her on the floor for the 15 minutes we have in the classroom before the parents have to leave. When the music started playing, signaling that it was time for class to start, Harlow ran up to me and got upset. "But I didn't have any time to play with you!" "That's because you were busy playing with your friends, Harlow. It's good! You are having fun!" She gave me a sad look but I know better now. She's fine. She's happy. She's making friends. She's going to have a great year in kindergarten.


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