タイリース・ギブソンのインスタグラム(tyrese) - 9月12日 04時44分

Man you have no idea how much this means to me and my team - we may NOT be #1 or the most visited site right now but we are building our reputation one happy couple at a time and this made my whole life this morning - #VoltronTravel.com delivered in a real way #SoProud

Read their inspirational love story "We didn't see each other for eight years," the couple shares. "We were freshmen at different high schools in 2008."
Laura was going through a friend's phone one day, someone who used to go to middle school with Matt. She found Matt's name in her phone. "That's how we reconnected and we hit it off right after that," Laura says. They met up again at a movie theater, and it was "love at first sight," according to Matt.
Within two weeks they were dating. They continued to date throughout high school and college, despite going to different schools.
Matt proposed where the couple first met: at their Phoenix, Arizona, preschool. "I walked Laura over to the grass and dropped down on one knee," Matt says. "Laura was shocked. I gave her my pitch on why I wanted her to marry me and she said yes — whew!" Thank you to @People Magazine for posting their story


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