タイリース・ギブソンのインスタグラム(tyrese) - 9月10日 17時56分

First they made it out to be a negative..... I'm so so very proud to be born in America, born in the ghetto and born in my black skin cause we are so creative and powerful and resilient if I lost it all tomorrow I wouldn't kill myself I would do whatever it takes to get it all back....... Congratulations to this newlywed beautiful couple you guys deserve to FLY up here with the Care Bears cause me and my wife are already up here and it's a feeling like no other...... nobody wants to be alone but if you don't propose and get engaged and celebrate and dance like this!?? You shouldn't want it - God is so good and if you're offended by this post it's ok cause you will never understand that love is love and if you feel it the way I do..... You can be black, white, catholic, Christian, rich or poor you just wanna breathe and be happy......... If you get ahold of this happy couple I wanna treat them to a round trip on behalf of #VoltronTravel.com please contact Kirosh @therundown so we can figure out some dates that work for you....


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




