スカイラー・カーギルのインスタグラム(skylarkergil) - 9月5日 02時25分

i'm in love with this world. and also with this funky fresh haircut my boo @illrollwithit gave me yesterday mhmm. just finishing up getting ready to bring my memoir down to Philly! i'll be at my table (21 i believe?) all week long, can't wait to hug y'all and see so many of my friends again ahhhh. blessed. also, first copies were sent out and have arrived to folks ahhhh!! i'll be mailing out the rest of my site's pre orders next week!! y'all have been so amazingly supportive i can't wait for you to read it!!! ????
#skylarkergil #beforeihadthewords #phillytranshealthconference #trans #ftm #happy #haircut


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