エディー・バウアーのインスタグラム(eddiebauer) - 9月4日 06時58分

Day 1 of the @TbFrost Takeover: Trevor Frost is an Eddie Bauer adventure guide and frequent contributor @ナショナルジオグラフィック. This summer he joined @Natgeoexpeditions on a trip to the coast of British Columbia and Southeast Alaska to explore and document the raw beauty of these harsh coastal and intercoastal landscapes. Follow along with the Eddie Bauer instagram channel for the next few days for more about Trevor's trip. #LiveYourAdventure "Old, abandoned boats are a common site while traveling along the wild coast of British Columbia. Alert Bay, Vancouver Island, British Columbia. I hadn’t been to Alert Bay before but I had lived in interior Northern British Columbia for some time when I was working and living with renowned writer Wade Davis. Over the last decade of my nearly constant travel one of the most special things I’ve discovered is returning to places you had been many years before. In many cases
Things haven’t changed, time is strange mistress, it is as if the world stopped while you were away. Of course that is not true, but it seems that way and remains one of my favorite things about traveling: going back." - Trevor Frost


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