ラシダ・ジョーンズのインスタグラム(rashidajones) - 8月15日 01時50分

Thank you Dad for your words of wisdom #racismislearned ♥️
RP @quincydjones
Having grown up during the Great Depression & World War II, I've experienced enough pain, hurt, & violence to last a lifetime...so to see such parallel behaviors, nearly 70 years later, is absolutely heartbreaking. Racism is learned. Plain & simple. We are not born to hate, & I refuse to believe that our ancestors gave up their lives to bring us to a place like yesterday. We must not get to the point where we wear ignorance as a badge & proudly turn a blind eye...We must recognize when ideologies are being used as weapons, & there is no greater example than that of recent events. As Nelson Mandela always used to tell me..."umuntu, ngumuntu, ngabantu," which means, "a person is a person because of other people." The collective is always stronger than the individual, & it's time to either unite or fight. My only hope is that we choose to unite.


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