ラシダ・ジョーンズのインスタグラム(rashidajones) - 8月6日 08時06分

Protect our beautiful oceans and their wildlife!!
From @nrdc_org:
? "The Department of Commerce is considering reducing eleven national marine sanctuaries and monuments, which are home to endangered whales, seabirds, ancient corals, and thousands of species of marine wildlife. ? Revoking these protections means mining, industrial fishing, aquaculture, and drilling for oil could happen in these important sanctuaries. BUT??The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has taken note of how much you all care about marine monuments, and they’ve extended the deadline for public comment until August 15. SO GET AFTER IT. LINK IN BIO. ? Tell the Secretary of Commerce why YOU care about protecting wild oceans- whether it’s whales, avoiding disastrous climate change, or supporting the communities that depend on thriving healthy oceans. ? For example, Lisa Suatoni, NRDC ocean scientist, says, “I’m fighting for New England deep sea canyon and seamount monument because I believe special places in the sea should be allowed to exist in their wild state. We recognize their value on land; let’s recognize it in the sea too. It’s the only way we can protect wildness in the oceans.” ? #oceans #protect #defend #marinesanctuary #marinemonument #whales #wildlife


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