アンバー・タンブリンのインスタグラム(amberrosetamblyn) - 7月22日 00時11分

Do not forget your anger.
Do not forget your outrage.
Do not forget your sadness.
Do not forget your shock.
Do not forget how they see us.
Do not forget that to live as a woman is to live as a threat.
Do not forget how they see our bodies.
Do not forget how they want us to see each other's bodies.
Do not forget how they want us to hate our own body.
Do not forget our daughters. Our mothers. The ghosts of our gender who burned before us.
Do not forget our strength in numbers.
Do not forget they want us submissive or dead.
Do not forget they want us quiet or dead.
Do not forget they want us beautiful and thin or dead.
Do not forget they want us fat and ugly or dead.
Do not forget they want us deathly or dead.
Do not forget who and what is in the WhiteHouse. .
Do not forget what we are up against.
Do not forget we are at war to protect women and their voices and bodies. Muslim women. Conservative women. Democratic women. Black women. Native American women. Jewish women. Asian American women. Libertarian women. White women. Gay women. Gender non-conforming women. Trans women. Christian women. Catholic women. Athiast women. All women.
Do not forget
this is a war.

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