アンバー・タンブリンのインスタグラム(amberrosetamblyn) - 7月21日 04時12分

I like this man very much and had the honor of sitting with him at a table years ago. He's got guts, values, integrity and kindness. Had Obama lost to him in '08, I think he would've made a fine president instead. I may not have agreed with many things he believes in, but I wouldn't have been scared, horrified and sad the way I am now with Donald Trump. In honor of men like John McCain, please list in the comments some conservative men or women I should be watching out for. Men and women senators, city council men or women, community leaders and all around strong, intelligent but decent voices on the right. I'm not interested in ANYONE who supports Donald Trump. I'm interested in knowing about the good Republicans and Libertarians fighting against what he stands for and fighting for the future of their party and our country. Tell me.


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