Zanna Van Dijkのインスタグラム(zannavandijk) - 7月21日 03時04分

45 Minute Upper Body Blast ?? This morning @gains4girls and I smashed out a killer session! My lats are already aching ? Here's what we did ➡️ T Bar Rows - 4 x 10 ➡️ Incline Chest Press - 4 x 10 superset with Batwing Hold Row - 4 x 10 with 3 second eccentrics ➡️ Straight Arm Pull Down - 4x 12 (3 second eccentric) superset with Eccentric Push Ups - 4x 3 super slow ?? Of course I'm wearing @adidasuk and training at @fitnessfirstuk listening to @alunageorge ? #zvdworkout #strongzvd #strongsquad #girlgains


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