デレク・ブラスバーグのインスタグラム(derekblasberg) - 7月19日 04時01分

In 2006, Al Gore released ‘An Inconvenient Truth,’ which I thought he should’ve called ‘We’re Screwed.’ Last night, the former Vice President premiered ‘An Inconvenient Sequel,’ which he should’ve called ‘We’re Still Screwed.’ Climate change is not a political issue: It’s a personal issue. (Though, to be clear: Trump sucks so hard for withdrawing the country from the Paris Climate Accord.) I don’t want to be one of those annoying people who rants on social media about public policy and corruption because I don’t have answers to any of this stuff. And, to be honest, there are parts of Gore's documentary that are as boring as watching a glacier melt. But no matter how we spin it, we must acknowledge the human race is responsible for what’s happening to the planet before we screw ourselves so badly it's too late.


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