ティナ・ルイーズのインスタグラム(tinalouise) - 7月13日 07時49分

Feeling super tanned today after being out in the sun all day yesterday!! ? About to hit the gym, have you guys tried Intra-Formance by @1stphorm?? It has a unique blend of amino acids, carbohydrates and electrolytes to provide you with all the necessary nutrients your body is typically lacking prior to intense endurance training, I like to drink mine while working out to help maximize my muscle energy and power ??
People often ask me how many times I work out a week, I tend to do 2 strength training sessions where I really push myself, 1 cardiovascular and then always a yoga class at the end of the week. So 4 times! ❤️
I think stretching is extremely important and often overlooked. #iam1stphorm ??


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