ジェマ・アトキンソンのインスタグラム(glouiseatkinson) - 7月12日 02時07分

The dream team! ?? These last 12 weeks wouldn't have been possible or half as much fun without these 3 humans. @zusun83 @markbo1989 and Evil Steve. From day one they have supported me, kept me on track and kept me disciplined (which at times worked my last nerve) ? I'm sorry to you all for the odd times I told you to F••k off, or sent you the ?? emoji when you checked in to ask how I was coping. I know you all wanted me to smash it and I did! THANK YOU! Last but no means least to @heynickmitchell The owner and creator of @upfitnesslive His passion & drive in the fitness industry is beyond anyone else's and THATS why Ultimate Performance is hugely successful with its clients results world wide. So happy to be part of the team! Bring on the next challenge ?????


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