シェイリーン・ウッドリーのインスタグラム(shailenewoodley) - 6月26日 17時53分

fear nothing, my stars.
this ring lay around my finger not,
but tethered in the pockets of my soul.
the umbilical of my vow,
is the breath my lungs inherited,
the moment they touched down,
upon your moistened soils.
i have a thought not,
my stars,
but to be your honest lover.
lonely, i am not,
my rain,
for your songs are the currents with which my hips sway.
scared, i am not,
my cicadas,
for your words are the poetry my backbone carved itself with.
hungry, i am not,
my willows, for your guidance is the pool my sweat feeds.
ready, i am,
my earth,
to stand by your side,
through thick,
through thin.
in practice i understand how loyalty loves.
in quietness i understand what faith desires.
in action i understand how vows taste.
a student through and through.
so you see, my stars
i am, fully and wholly yours,
primed and ready,
for the great journey ahead,
of us,
for the escapades and rowdy days,
of shaking shit up,
and giving,
our kin,
a forest of green,
clean waters a scene,
and a species of peers,
aware, and attune to their mirrors.

what, who, with whom are you committed to? #theearthneedsusnow #riseup #uptous. @nayyirah.waheed


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