キャンディス・クマイのインスタグラム(candicekumai) - 6月22日 20時52分

?How to make a matcha latte at home?
Matcha lattes at the café are packed with sugar and sweetened milk, here's how to be a badass b and make it DIY at home.

Respek thy ? matcha +your hot body⚡️⚡️
Here's what you'll need:
-A chasen bamboo whisk or a high powered blender
-Matcha powder from Japan (Look for ceremonial grade from Japan)
-Boiled water, cooled for 5 minutes
-Almond or coconut milk (unsweetened saves you inflammation + sugar)
-Coconut butter (optional if using a blender only, adds satiation)

1- Boil water and cool for 5 minutes to 175-185 degrees F, matcha is best made with water slightly under boiling.
2-Add your matcha powder to your chawan (matcha bowl) or a bone dry blender and sift slightly with your bamboo whisk.
3- Add slightly cooled after boiling water. Whisk in M and N motions causing your chasen or blend on high.
4-Add your almond, coconut milk or milk of choice. Add coconut butter in to blender only if using. Blend on high or whisk in milk.
SERVE ⚡️⚡️⚡️???#matchalatte #goldengirl #iquitcoffee


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