ポール・ロビンソンのインスタグラム(paulrobinson87) - 6月10日 00時05分

This past weekend a dear friend of mine, Julia Chen, from Cape Town passed away after a climbing accident in South Africa. The news was shocking and I can't help but remember all of the amazing times we had over the years during my travels in South Africa. She will definitely be missed greatly but I will always remember the fun times climbing with her and the Cape Town crew. I managed to make the first ascent of this really nice line the other day that I am calling, "Hallelujah." This was the name of her restaurant in Cape Town and I think fits with the idea of celebrating here life. Everyone, stay safe out there; life can come and go in an instance!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



