♥️❤️♥️ For many kids, taking photos on the first and last days of school allows them to see how much they’ve grown. For 7-year-old Sophi Eber, the photos let her also see how far she’s come in her battle with cancer.⠀ ⠀ On Sophi’s last day of first grade, her teacher took a photo of the 7-year-old holding up a photo that showed her on her first day of the school year.⠀ ⠀ Sophi was diagnosed with stage IV neuroblastoma in February 2016. Her mother, Bethany Eber, told HuffPost that throughout her cancer journey Sophi has had six rounds of chemo, 14 rounds of radiation, a nine-hour surgery to remove a tumor and five rounds of immunotherapy. Doctors declared Sophi was cancer-free on July 10, 2016. She is currently in a clinical trial receiving a series of shots that act as a vaccine to help her body continue to ward off the cancer. Because Sophi’s chance of relapse is high, she flies from Kansas City, Missouri, to New York City every three months for scans. ⠀ ⠀ “Once you’re cancer-free, you’re not done,” Bethany told HuffPost. “She has to keep going.”⠀ ⠀ Sophi’s teacher sent Bethany the last day of school photo and commented on how far the 7-year-old had come in such a short time. Bethany told HuffPost that when the photo from the first day of school was taken, Sophi was cancer-free, but still recovering from chemo and used a feeding tube through her nose.⠀ ⠀ “We wanted to show that it happens, that it’s not just sad, but that kids can overcome this and they can become stronger ... so it was really meant to be hopeful and that was how it was received,” Bethany said.⠀ ⠀ Thanks for brigthening up our day, Sophi. - Taylor Pitmman for @huffpostparents // ? via wearesophistrong/Facebook

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Huffington Postのインスタグラム(huffpost) - 6月7日 09時39分

♥️❤️♥️ For many kids, taking photos on the first and last days of school allows them to see how much they’ve grown. For 7-year-old Sophi Eber, the photos let her also see how far she’s come in her battle with cancer.⠀

On Sophi’s last day of first grade, her teacher took a photo of the 7-year-old holding up a photo that showed her on her first day of the school year.⠀

Sophi was diagnosed with stage IV neuroblastoma in February 2016. Her mother, Bethany Eber, told HuffPost that throughout her cancer journey Sophi has had six rounds of chemo, 14 rounds of radiation, a nine-hour surgery to remove a tumor and five rounds of immunotherapy. Doctors declared Sophi was cancer-free on July 10, 2016. She is currently in a clinical trial receiving a series of shots that act as a vaccine to help her body continue to ward off the cancer. Because Sophi’s chance of relapse is high, she flies from Kansas City, Missouri, to New York City every three months for scans. ⠀

“Once you’re cancer-free, you’re not done,” Bethany told HuffPost. “She has to keep going.”⠀

Sophi’s teacher sent Bethany the last day of school photo and commented on how far the 7-year-old had come in such a short time. Bethany told HuffPost that when the photo from the first day of school was taken, Sophi was cancer-free, but still recovering from chemo and used a feeding tube through her nose.⠀

“We wanted to show that it happens, that it’s not just sad, but that kids can overcome this and they can become stronger ... so it was really meant to be hopeful and that was how it was received,” Bethany said.⠀

Thanks for brigthening up our day, Sophi. - Taylor Pitmman for @huffpostparents // ? via wearesophistrong/Facebook


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