スタナ・カティックのインスタグラム(drstanakatic) - 6月6日 00時32分

⚡️⚡️"But can anyone doubt today that all the millions of individuals and all the innumerable types and characters constitute an entity, a unit? Though free to think and act, we are held together, like the stars in the firmament, with ties inseparable. These ties cannot be seen, but we can feel them. … The Buddhist expresses it in one way, the Christian in another, but both say the same: We are all one. … The individual is ephemeral, races and nations come and pass away, but man remains. Therein lies the profound difference between the individual and the whole."- #NikolaTesla ⚡️⚡️Nerding out at the #NikolaTeslaMuseum. It's amazing how many across the globe have been inspired by this scientist. From monuments & museums in Canada, the US, Serbia, Croatia, Azerbaijan... even a life-size statue providing free Wi-fi (also containing a time-capsule to be opened in 2043) in Silicon Valley. #Tesla #OneLove #Science #Scientist #BelgradeMyWay #Wireless #latergram


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