Teen Vogueのインスタグラム(teenvogue) - 5月11日 10時31分

All week long, we're partnering with @Instagram's #HereForYou campaign to feature amazing people using Instagram to share their mental health journeys. Kay (@kay_ska), an 18-year-old mental health blogger from the UK says that having a community of support on Instagram has had a profound effect on her. “I have been affected by mental health issues for the majority of my life, most of which have been caused by experiencing a lot of traumas since my childhood that caused PTSD. Sharing my story on Instagram has really been life changing! It allows me to express myself in a very supportive community, it's made me feel so much less alone in the struggles I've been facing. Also, knowing that through my story, my journey, I'm able to help so many people out there really is the most amazing feeling!”


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