トリー・ウィルソンのインスタグラム(torriewilson) - 5月2日 11時36分

You control what you choose to let in, what you think about. Every morning you have a choice to let things go from the previous day or to hold on to useless toxic energy. Being offended isnt affecting the person offending you, its affecting YOU. Choose to fill your mind w/ positive good things & empty out the insecurity, jealousy, bitterness, negativity, stress, self pity, guilt or worry. Trust that what has your name on it will come at the perfect time & won't go to anyone else. Make no space for negativity; let go & laugh. We are in this world for such a short time compared to the rest of our destiny. We will blink and its over so let's do our best to make life pleasurable! I choose to work at staying positive everyday & its not always easy..but thats my truth. Some days it seems impossible & Im angry but why would anyone want to choose to stay miserable? Social media can be full of fake perfection & my life is not at all. BUT I CHOOSE to do the work to put out positive energy because we get what we put out into this world. ?❤ #MondayLove #NotProfessingPerfection #DoTheWork #WeAllHaveOurBattles #PositivityBreedsPositivity


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