Jackson Harriesのインスタグラム(jackharries) - 5月1日 00時40分

Very proud to have produced and completed 'ALEGNA'. A 20 minute short about a soldier dealing with the effects of PTSD after being held captive in Iraq. This is a very different beast to one I've ever worked on before. Just over a year ago we raised £10,000 on Indigogo thanks to 104 generous and trusting backers. Since then it's been a journey creating the film. Hours or pre production, five days shooting across London and pinewood studios and weeks of post production. This film simply wouldn't have been possible without an immensely talented cast and crew who gave up hours of their time and a huge amount of passion and dedication. It's been a real labour of love. Last night we screened the film to a full house at the Electric Cinema in London. Next the film will begin the festival circuit. Feels great to have completed my first short along side my friend and partner in crime Fraser Rigg. A huge thanks to all those who backed the project and believed in it from the start. Will keep you updated as it goes out into the world!

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