デイン・クックのインスタグラム(danecook) - 4月30日 01時43分

There is no place like home especially when it's filled with your favorite people.
Last night we had the greatest gamenight of the year, a celebratory week, @タイラー・シールズ bday bash & my good good friend @levizmiller surprised all of us by coming to hang for the evening. I couldn't have been happier. Also the hug I got from my girl @joeykingactress topped it all off. Joey you're a rockstar.
We also screened something in my theater room for the town that Tyler & I shot and they loved it (which is great because that's not always a consensus). I took the pic late so if you left you are NOT in this pic.
I laughed so much last night I lost my voice. I have shows tonight in LA so I will be not speaking today and sipping tea.
#epicgamenight #friends #family #funtimesusa


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