デイン・クックのインスタグラム(danecook) - 4月27日 02時08分

Today is an amazing day. So many opportunities in the mix, @americangodsstz this weekend, my new comedy will be seen on a large scale again very soon. I was reminded of my mentor / high school drama teacher this morning as I sat out here. He once said I've got to enjoy the whole ride because for everyone it's a long haul and a tough road sprinkled with life, love & creativity.
I'd like to think I've overcompensated Frank. Our early conversations were like small care packages that would crack open in my mind as years passed by. I've learned more and more from you and still have more of your emails I have to read. I miss our conversations about possibility yet I embrace all the time we shared making my dreams seem like they were right around the corner.
Last night at the Improv I had a chat with a young comedian and she shared a story of how when she started it was elevated after having a conversation meeting me years earlier. I was so damn pleased to see she was still doing it and doing well. To be able to be creative but also share perspective - it's the best feeling I've ever felt.
Today is an amazing day. It's all about staying engaged and not giving up on people, places and things. You can't run away from your dreams and you can't run away from what you need in your life. Give in to the notion of following each and every part of your heart that tells you who, what & where.
Have a great day.


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