ローワン・ブランチャードのインスタグラム(rowanblanchard) - 4月13日 08時26分

I am hesitant to post about this book (which I finished on Saturday) because I feel incredibly nervous that I won't be able to clearly express how much it means to me, but that is how it goes with art that is honest. There are books like these that find you, that slip into your heart and make you that much more open, books that make you trust yourself - or as @ブリー・ラーソン texted me about it today, whom I lent it to right after, "It feels like infinity" ?❤️ read this book and share it with your sisters--- I want part of our resistance to be sharing necessary, infinite art with each other (hence why I post so much art on here ?) ? #SisterhoodOfTheTravelingBook ❤️???❤️ #TheArgonauts #MaggieNelson ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


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