アシュリー・ケインのインスタグラム(icegirlash) - 4月7日 09時06分

Last week, a twist in events landed us in Helsinki, Finland for the World Championships! Even though we didn't end up competing in the end, Timothy and I took the week as a huge learning opportunity. As we watched all the pairs we noticed the passion to each program, the intricate steps in and out of difficult elements, and the pacing of every program. We came away from Finland with a refreshed feeling for this season and what we can apply to our skating. We had the best time cheering on all of the competitors!! As soon as we got home we got the exciting news that we will be competing at the World Team Trophy in Tokyo, Japan in a little under two weeks! This season has been a whirlwind and we are so grateful for every opportunity. It's always been a dream of mine to compete in Japan and now it's finally happening! See you soon Tokyo?? #teamusa #WTT2017


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