レナ・ダナムのインスタグラム(lenadunham) - 4月3日 20時24分

#mondaymemory There is so much I could say about last night's episode- the gut-wrenching sadness of being Hannah with Adam for the last time and how much he's taught me about vulnerability, authenticity and the power of silence. I could talk about how every time Laird is on set I laugh til I weep and how that insane knit hat actually belonged to Jon's now-deceased father and is our loving ode to Papa Glaser. But I'm going to focus on Jemima and her fearless performance. That scene in the bar bathroom with the amazing Neal Huff, set to @アリアナ・グランデ's Dangerous Woman (saddest pop music usage ever?) is one of the rawest and most tragic things we've ever shot. Jem held nothing back, just like she's held nothing back since we met in the girl's room in 1997. I'll miss being able to force her into mohair bikini tops. I'll miss it all.


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