エディー・バウアーのインスタグラム(eddiebauer) - 3月29日 07時45分

"It feels great, but the problem with cotton, of course, is that it doesn’t dry, especially in a tropical rainforest. If you get wet, you get cold—even in a hot climate. The other problem with cotton, because it doesn’t dry, is it begins to turn moldy very quickly. And some places, like the jungle, are so humid that even synthetics mold. During the first week in Borneo—trekking for 10+ hours while tracking orangutans—my Guide Shirt didn’t bother me once. I never felt it on my skin. I discovered that the secret weapon of the Guide Shirt is the AirSpace Technology, little air bubbles embedded in the fabric, which keep it off the skin. A decade of travel, some 80 countries on six continents, and this is the first shirt I’ve found to be comfortable day after day, week after week in hot, humid places." - Eddie Bauer adventure travel guide @tbfrost, seen here doing his laundry in Northern Australia | P: Trevor Matthews | #liveyouradventure


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