エディー・バウアーのインスタグラム(eddiebauer) - 3月22日 08時25分

“Yesterday, we had 200 people, 250 people on the Rwanda side following us, local villagers … there was one guy … he started scouting the drops for us, trying to pick out lines with hand signals. In fact, I’d run a huge rapid, I was the last to run one of the biggest rapids of yesterday, dropped 50-60 feet through this massive cataract, and I didn’t see the rest of my team. And I was able to signal to the bank on the Rwanda side … asking them where the rest of the paddlers were. They told me that they were still upstream … these people are extremely excited by what we’re doing out here on the river.” - @redonkulous2u on kayaking the Ruzizi River on the border of Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo | P: @ckorbulic | #liveyouradventure


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