エディー・バウアーのインスタグラム(eddiebauer) - 3月19日 09時02分

"Like a pale ivory tusk, Motutakae rose some 800 feet directly out of the turbulent sea. We had Cyrill take us closer to inspect. Thousands of birds circled the giant tower. The rock seemed otherworldly, a pale white with giant black caves, like a skull’s eyes. We picked a line that ascended the most prominent prow on the western face. The first pitch traversed off the tidal ledge that the boat deposited us on. Behemoth South Pacific swells nipped at our heels as we climbed into the unknown. The occasional lurking shark reminded us why we were roped up, so close to the water. The climbing was fantastic. We followed a crack system, but the face was also riddled with pockets that made for great handholds. Our vantage point above the turquoise sea was better than any aquarium. Schools of fish danced below us, and giant manta rays glided slowly by. We saw sharks, and even a lone sea turtle. The birds were kind to share the few ledges on the route with us, though I’m sure they were at least a little uncomfortable with the arrangement." - @mason_earle | Loc: Marquesas Islands, French Polynesia | P: @andrew_burr | #liveyouradventure


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