カリスマ・カーペンターのインスタグラム(charismacarpenter) - 2月10日 11時49分

Trump loses Immigration Travel Ban in court today. Takes to twitter with: "SEE YOU IN COURT. THE SECURITY OF OUR NATION IS AT STAKE!" Now I can't decide which response tweet tickles me most. What's your pick?
1. "See you in court" says the person who just lost in court.-Dave Itzkoff
2. Imagine if Matt Ryan turned to Tom Brady and was like, "See you at the Super Bowl" - Dave Itzkoff
3. See you in court HOW BOW DAH? - S.I. Rosenbaum
4. Picture a meme of a confused woman with chalk board scribblings of algebraic formulas in the background captioning "Everyone trying to figure out how to take a court to court" - Tanya Chen


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