カリスマ・カーペンターのインスタグラム(charismacarpenter) - 2月7日 03時25分

Although I look waaay serious in this pic, I am actually in my joy.
In an effort to expand as an artist I decided to enroll in @filmmakinglabs There I spent the last 3 days immersed in craft building. -AMAZING!
It has been emotionally challenging and scary to pursue a new direction in story telling but over the last couple of days I have realized it feels 10x more rewarding to be sure footed in that choice rather than stuck standing in the stagnant water of complacency.
There's something electrifying about being open to new ideas and getting honest about my limitations as a human and artist. ( If I'm not growing and challenged as a human being how can I express my art in a deep and meaningful way? )
Staring down all the fear of change and "stuff" has been so liberating.
I went to bed last night with so much gratitude and appreciation for life, art, my friends and supportive family who have gently guided my in this direction.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



