Dutchのインスタグラム(nochtlii) - 2月10日 02時11分

Genetics my ass! Literally LOL.😂 🔥 #workforit -

Yesterday during my instagram live, you guys asked me for what period of time I have been working out now. I think now it´s around 3-4 years. If it was up to my genes I wouldn´t have any muscles what so ever haha! (On the left I was 14). I started working out properly when I was about 21 years old.

This period of time includes my first year where I had no knowledge what so ever about fitness.
I read articles, books, looked at other fitness models. Eventually I got my degree as a personal trainer.
Even now I´m still testing all kinds of things on myself to see if it actually works. So as far as building booty I think I progressed quite good.😂💯

Knowledge is power, so educate yourself everyday!👑


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