エリー・ゴンサルヴェスのインスタグラム(ellie_gonsalves) - 1月28日 15時27分

Having grown up in Australia I have had some of the most amazing beaches on my doorstep for most of my life and that was a YUUUUGE influence when deciding where to live when moving to this amazing country! I mean, LOOK AT THIS VIEW! 
Having seen Malibu, Venice beach, Santa Monica beach and then that 10/10 bombshell in a red one piece running in slow motion along it (The one and only Pam Anderson of course ?) on my TV all those years ago in Brisbane Australia, it's always so surreal stepping onto these beaches. It's like an adult version of the first time you go to visit Disneyland! ? No Pam unfortunately though ?

BUT, on the topic of red one pieces and amazing beaches, seeing all these Baywatch promos everywhere it makes me REAL excited for this summer as I feel we are all in for a bit of a treat with some hilariously funny, BADASS sexy and down right dirty R rated action when #Baywatch hits the big screen!! @ドウェイン・ジョンソン, another massive movie no doubt! Heeeeeeeee's on ? (NBA JAM reference anyone?) Oh and PS - @ドウェイン・ジョンソン, Sir, if you get a spare moment, would you mind helping a sister out by being my wingman on any of these future movie sets because DAAAAAANNNGGGGGG, those women are on ?????? hook a girl up ???


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